Howard Zinn is one of the very Famous Personalities in American History

By Admin. Last updated 3/26/2022 6:27:54 AM. Previous || Next0 comments
Howard Zinn - Biography

Howard Zinn - Biography

History has great importance for every nation as it is the recognition of any nation. Therefore, every nation gives great importance to its history. History is considered as the roots of any nation, and on the base of these roots, the nation grows further and embraces development. It is said that if you want to destroy a nation then destroy its identity and identity of a nation can destroy by washing out its history. A nation without ahistory is not more than an orphan child because history defines the cultural, social, geographical and religious norms and values that are the fundaments of development for any nation.

In this aspect, the historians and anthropologists have great importance for any nation because they are the medium that enables the journey of history from its origin to the present. One more important aspect is that the historian play vital role to develop a relation of the present nation to its ancestors. Therefore, the historians have agreat responsibility to preserve the identity of any nation.

Following this, it also matters that the information and events that a historian is recording through his writing should be based on the reality which means that the writing of a historian should be completely from any biasness. To make his accounts more effective a historian should support its arguments with strong evidence so that the readers will accept his words without any doubt. 

In this aspect, the American nation is a fortunate nation as it has a rich history. Alongside the rich history, American land is blessed with some very famous historians that develop a strong relation between the present nation with its past. The more concerning thing is that America has some historians that have beautifully captured the historical events in words and they have mesmerized effects because when someone read their historical account, they feel to be a part of the historic event.

Howard Zinn Biography

Subsequently, Howard Zinn is one of the very famous personalities in American history. The following writing is also aimed to discuss Howard Zinn and his work on history with proposes to address the salient feature that he has discussed in his historical accounts. I aim to analyze the historical accounts of Howard Zinn by addressing the various historical aspect he chooses to illuminate through his work.

Before analyzing the work of Zinn, it is important to know something about the personality of Zinn so that it could be helpful to analyze his work through his capabilities and his point of view. Howard Zinn was an American, and he is famous for his historical accounts. If we look more deeply into his life, then it is found that he was also a social activist and a playwright(Zinn).

Howard Zinn also worked as a lecturer at Boston University where he used to teach political science. Throughout his life, he studied American society, culture, and people very deeply and he compiled his observation in the form of books. Throughout his life, he wrote around 20 books however most interestingly, his bestselling book is "A People's History of the United States."

Another interesting fact about the life of Zinn is that he had also spent a considerable time of his life being a social activist and took part in thecivil right movement. Zinn was a peaceful person. Therefore, he wanted to maintain the peace of the world he reflects this aspect through his anti-war activities.

If we evaluate the first chapter of the book in which he talks about the arrival of Columbus in America, and he has exposed that they crew of Columbus committed genocide by killing the Native Americans. Following this, he has exposed many inhuman activities in which people were mercilessly killed for the sake of powers that give a dark side to the history of America(Zinn).

In the second chapter of the book he also has highlighted a very important point that kept America in thegreat struggle for a very long period of around five centuries. He claimed that the racism did not exist, but it was created artificially.

I have also found in some other subject in whom I have found the supporting evidence of the argument that racism or inequality is not natural, but it is artificially created. In support of Zinn argument against the inequality and racism, the book written by Jacob Stiglitz named "Inequality is a choice" is a best-supporting evidence. In this book, he also has given the same idea that racism and inequality are not natural, but it is artificially chosen by some powerful people that keep a distance between them and other as they never want others to reach theirs. They believe that if they reach their place then who will work for them and who will serve them, therefore, they do not support the idea of equality (Joseph.).

Zinn shed lights on the event of Bacon's Rebellion, and he claimed that at the time the poor were forced towards the miseries instead of giving them a hand of support. He claimed that such people had no respect for the humanity and they are only concerned about their benefits and advantages. In this period the economic condition in the colonies wasmiserable, and he claimed that it was also a choice. Following this, he claimed that the even in wartime, the government including the American did not take part with any feelings for the humanity but they participated for their economic interest, and he believed that it was not the fair side of the game(Zinn).

Zinn also has highlighted some other good events such as the account the struggle of the people against the inequalities, and he appreciates them that they show their courage and take astance without considering the powerful government(Zinn).

Following this, in the seventh chapter of his book, he also shed lights on the row between the Native Americans and government in which the government dogged they native. While reading the article written by Abrahan Hoffman about the Mexican-American war, I found that Hoffman also supported the same idea in the article that American misinterpreted in the war (Hoffman).

Following this, he also explained that in thetwentieth century many American opposed the war with Spanish because it war was based on the racism, therefore, a large number of Americans were not supporting thewar. Another argument presented by Zinn that America entered into the First World War not to sort out the matter, but America entered in the First World War because America was taking it as an opportunity to enter into the globalized market and expand its industries and so America succeeds in it(Zinn).

In an article, the writer Chandler Alfred also given the same idea as he said that America was the only country that received great benefit from the World War I as it succeeds to set its new market in the time of economic drawbacks in Europe during the war (Chandler).

I have studied some chapters to make some understanding about the work and about the aspect of writing that he has highlighted for the readers. Before writing my views about the work of Zinn, I would like to add that the text "A People's History of the United States" is one of the most important books for history students to achieve their history degree. It is the most popular history book for the students of high school(Zinn).

To support my argument, I would like to quote some words of Santorum which is said during his speech on 10th April 2015 in which he addressed the audience and asked them if they know about the most popular textbook taught in American high school. Santorum then answered his question by stating that "A People's History of United States" is the most popular book (Jacobson).

After thoroughly reading the book I have realized one thing that his book has many things to tell us about the history of America that may be new to us. I have found that he has shed lights on many incidents that were not attractive for many historians and they manipulated over these events while talking about the history of America(Hoffman).

One thing I have found that Zinn has shown his passion through his work as he highlighted every aspect of history that most of history avoid by addressing the problems that could be created after the publishing of thebook.

Therefore, it is avery common practice that manipulates their historical account under the influence of their likeness, dis-likeness of in the reflection of their preferences that challenge the authenticity of historical events. In this regards, I have not found any element of bias or favoritism in the work of Zinn.

I appreciate the effort made by Zinn to expose the dark side of the history that were not in front of the Americans. I believe that this is not a good idea to hide the dark aspect of history, but if we will compare the present American with the past, then it would be prideful for the students by realizing that their nation has done something as it has traveled from darkness and ignorant to light(Hoffman).

In this aspect, I have found a brave person in the personality of Zinn who did not feel any fear and raise his voice to expose the wrong actions made by the United States government in the past. He has raised the issues through his history that were not given any importance in the past, or it is better to say that he has drawn the attention of the Americans towards the event that was ignored in the past but is associated with their history.

I have found one thing that he has given importance to the historical aspect of his history that were not addressed by many writers. Zinn talks about the struggle of slaves and victims of racism who had to face critical circumstances, inequalities, and injustice but they never stop their struggle and finally they succeed to win their rights. I have read multiple books about the history in which I have learned about the struggle of the slaves and victims of racism, but I have never known about thecountless aspect that is described by Zinn in his historical accounts.

The lines and words used by the Zinn in his book reflect his patriotism, but at the same time, his words reflect his pain for the humanity. Through this aspect, I have found that he has done an appreciating job in which his aim is not to degrade the country by presenting dark sides of the history, but I found that he was focused on to expose those who had not respect and love for the humanity.

After reading the book, the line said by Zinn continuously garbing my attention as he said that "Ours is a beautiful country, but it has been taken over by men who have no respect for human rights." Following these lines, Zinn explained that the real image of American is that Americans are caring and loving people and it is also reflected in the Declaration of Independence that American respect the rights of everyone.

Through these words of Zinn, I feel that he aimed to realize the young Americans that being an American it is their responsibility that they give respect to the rights of everyone and never get engage in the activities that are against the dignity of human.

Overall, I have concluded from this discussion that most of the work of Zinn is justifiable because Zinn has discussed many events that are supported by other writers. However, the I found he has addressed some very sensitive aspects of the American history that are not acceptable for many, but if we take it seriously and honestly then instead of taking it as an element of shame, American can take this in a positive way. Through this compilation of dark events in the history of America, there is nothing to make Americans feel bad but it is a proud thing for American that they came out of thedarkness and now they are living as a respectful nation that also gives respect to others.

Likewise, I have found Zinn as a brave historian who attempted to reveal the truth without considering the after effects of his efforts. He exposed the events that are based on the reality,and I am supporting him not because of my opinions, but at the same time I have mentioned above that there is some writer that have justified the events that are described by Zinn. Following this, I found that the overall purpose of the Zinn work is to ensure young Americans that as compare to our interest, humanity should be our utmost priority.

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