Watergate Scandal and Involvement of Nixon
The watergate scandal is one of the key scandals in the history of the United States of America, which revolved around the president Nixon. The scandal is related to the political administration of Nixon and this finally led to the resignation of Nixon in the year 1974. The failed break in happened in the year 1972 into the democratic national committee head quarters a building in the water gate building is the key turning point in the history. In the aftermath of the event and the subsequent investigations revealed the conspiracy of the president in covering up the incident. Oval office tapes indicated the misuse of the presidential resources. Impeachment is finally granted due to the loss of trust over the president. The constitutional crisis resulted to approve the impeachment of the president Nixon in the abuse of power, obstruction of the justice, contempt of the congress. For all these grounds, this political support got totally lost and he finally resigned.
This is after the contemplation by President Nixon, every public scandal with similarities like in the current case of Nixon and using the FBI, CIA and IRS etc as political weapons created the trend of using the word "Gate" as suffix. In the aftermath of the several revelations on clandestine operations to audio tape the opponent conversations, cook up the crooked activities and so forth, several of Nixon administrators got convicted. A total of 69 administrators were charged and 48 of them were found to be guilty.
Nixon, the 37th president of the United States of America remained the only president who resigned on the grounds of impeachment. Though the president claimed his executive privileges, they were not actually stood for the judicial enquiry. Finally the vice president Gerald Ford took over the oval office as president after the resignation of Nixon. Ford pardoned President Nixon which later called for some criticism as well. All the president's men is the true depiction of the water gate's scandal and the president involvement in the entire scandal. Though the president has never given an order to break-in, the aftermath of the break in has actually created a storm that resulted in revelation of the several contacts of the key personnel in the incident with his henchman in the administration. The key personnel connected with the water gate are often referred to as Water gate Seven and were sentenced to the jail term in the aftermath of the investigation process. Further the personal secretary Rose Mary woods role in deleting major part of the tapes of the president was deleted. Some of the roles of the roles of the professional lawyers in the incident tarnished their image later in the public (Balis and Levy,2019).
The entire incident of the water gate scandal always remained a warning to the people in the public life to remain as cautious as possible to their activities. Being driven too high by the power and the politics will lead them to the immoral, unethical activities which will not only be condemned but will also lead to the legal implications (Twombly,2019).
The moral of the story always underlining what should not be done as a responsible president. Inspite of good victories in the foreign policies with china, Nixon involvement in the illegal donation collection, bugging the democrat's office, using his henchmen from the FBI and CIA to plug in the leaks, attempts to cover-up the sins committed are all something that would not have happened. These occurrences obviously will spread the message of weakening of the US political system appeal as well is also contained in spreading the wrong message of vulnerability of the US constitution. Any case it is a tragic end to the unpopular president but not for the system, there is no other similar occurrence registered to date in the presidential time lines of United States.