Recognition is a process whereby certain facts are accepted and endowed with a certain legal status, such as statehood, sovereignty over newly acquired territory, or the international effects of the grant of nationality. The process of recognizing as a state a new entity that conforms with the criteria of statehood is a political one, each country deciding for itself whether to extend such acknowledgment.
A new state emerges from an existing state, an ancient state that has vanished and has been given a new name, or the division of an existing state into two states. If a new state has specific rights, privileges, and obligations, it must obtain state recognition, which is critical. However, there are some minimum requirements that must be met before a state may be designated a state. For a State to be considered a sovereign State, it must first obtain De Jure recognition (when a state is legally acknowledged). Political considerations have a significant part in the decision to give or deny recognition. It must establish relations with other states in order to be recognised as a state.

Under International Law, recognition of a State can be defined as:
A state acknowledgment or acceptance as an international personality by the existing State of the international community. The declaration to fulfill certain essential conditions of Statehood as required by International Law.
The Montevideo Convention of 1933 said that a state must have the following qualifications: a permanent population, a defined territory government, and the ability to engage in international relations. Recognition of a State occurs when a State's possession of these traits (of Statehood) is acknowledged by other existing States. As a result, recognition can be described as a formal acknowledgement of a new State's international personality by existing members of the international community. When a state disintegrates into numerous states, a former colonial territory acquires statehood, or two or more states merge to form a new state, the problem of state recognition arises. Recognition is frequently described as a political diplomatic role.
The following are the most important legal consequences of recognition:
1) The recognised state gains the right to suit in the recognising state's courts.
2) In the courts of the recognising State, the recognised state has sovereign immunity for itself and its possessions.
3) The recognised State has the right of succession and ownership of property located on its territory.
4) The recognising State and the recognised state can have diplomatic and treaty relations (de jure recognition).
5) Recognizing State gives effect to recognised State's previous legislative and executive measures (retroactivity of recognition).
Non-recognition of a state, on the other hand, does not imply that the new entity will have no legal consequences in reference to the non-recognizing states. General international norms or treaties on state coordination, such as the United Nations Charter.However, non-recognition has no effect before international courts or tribunals (Tinocco Concessions Case).
For decades, Taiwan's international position has been in flux. The administration in Taipei, which previously represented China in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), now has just around 20 diplomatic allies and faces formidable obstacles in gaining access to international organisations. Taiwan is not widely recogonised as an independent state at the moment, but it has been virtually self-governed by the Republic of China (ROC) government for almost 60 years and has had a democratic administration for the last 15 years. In its relations with China, Taiwan enjoys a status quo, a state of equilibrium that provides for a great deal of freedom but limits Taiwan's ability to become a full-fledged international player.
Taiwan's foreign situation does not appear to be in grave danger at the moment ties with China are better than they have ever been. The number of countries that formally recognise Taiwan has been stabilised by a "diplomatic truce." Taiwan has also developed informal ties with a vast number of other nations. Taiwan is also a member of a number of international organisations, including the World Trade Organization (WTO), where it joined China as a full member in 2002, and the World Health Organization (WHO) hieghest decision-making body, the World Health Assembly, where it was elected as an observer in 2009(WHA).
Taiwan has all of the characteristics of a regular country, including citizenship, geographical jurisdiction, governance, and "sovereignty," to name a few. Taiwan is sovereign according to international law, meaning it has ultimate authority over all other authorities in the world nonetheless, Taiwan lacks international recognition.
Recognition is a condition for a country to join the international family, according to Oppenheim's International Law: A Treatise, and having the credentials alone is not enough.Taiwan, by this definition, is not a "normal" country like the majority of other countries.
The status quo is widely accepted since it does not specify Taiwan's legal or future status, allowing each party to interpret the situation in a way that is politically acceptable to its members. Simultaneously, a status quo policy has been regarded as dangerous precisely because various sides have differing conceptions of what the status quo is, potentially leading to conflict through brinkmanship or miscalculation. The People's Republic of China wants to terminate Taiwan's de facto independence through reunification, and hasn't ruled out using force to achieve this goal.Taiwan, by this definition, is not a "normal" country like the majority of other countries.
An entity is potentially a state in international law if it has a permanent population, a defined territory, a government, and the ability to engage in international relations. Taiwan fits the majority of these criteria, but its ability to negotiate with other countries is limited, owing to the fact that most countries do not recognise it as a state or maintain diplomatic relations with it. The fact that Taiwan has neither declared statehood or rejected a negotiated "One China" settlement, as well as the reality that nearly the entire international community does not consider it a state, are all fatal to Taiwan's statehood.
International law, on the other hand, may offer three unconventional but reasonable interpretations in Taiwan's favour. One is that Taiwan is a stable "de facto" state with a right to self-defense comparable to that of an actual state, including collective self-defense by its allies. The second is that governments must resolve dangerous international conflicts peacefully, and that this norm also applies to disagreements with de facto states.
The third argument is that Taiwan has a "people" with a separate identity who are entitled to self-determination, which is the freedom to choose their own political destiny without Chinese interference. While the majority of Taiwanese are Han Chinese, as are the majority of mainlanders, their 70-year history.
Taipei, Taiwan - Fifty years ago on October 25, the Republic of China (ROC) - the official name for Taiwan - was formally expelled from the United Nations by a vote of the General Assembly and replaced by the People's Republic of China (PRC), which had taken power in Beijing at the end of the country's civil war in.
Taiwan's meaningful participation in the UN system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one. The fact that Taiwan participated robustly in certain UN specialized agencies for the vast majority of the past 50 years is evidence of the value the international community places in Taiwan's contributions.
The United Nations is an international organization composed of sovereign states. Taiwan as a province of China is completely not qualified and has no right to participate in it.
Due to the well-known reasons, the Taiwan authorities illegally usurped China's UN seat for as long as 22 years. In October 1971, the 26th session of the UN General Assembly passed Resolution No. 2758 .The resolution announced in the clear and definite language: the UN General Assembly "recognizes that the representative of the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal representative of China in the United Nations and that the People's Republic of China is one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, and decides to restore all rights to the People's Republic of China and recognize the representatives of its government as the sole legal representatives of China in the United Nations Organization and immediately repel the Chiang Kai-shek's representatives from the seats of the United Nations Organization and all its affiliated agencies which they have illegally occupied." From then on, China's representation in the United Nations Organization has been thoroughly resolved politically, legally and procedurally.
What should be pointed out is that in recent years the leaders of the Taiwan authorities have been clamouring for "returning to the United Nations". It is grossly obvious that this is an attempt to split the state sovereignty, which is devoid of any legal or practical basis and is doomed to failure.
Domestically, Taiwan possesses all the qualities of a "normal country," including citizenship, territorial jurisdiction, government, and "sovereignty." Taiwan is sovereign by the international law definition - it's an ultimate authority independent of other authorities in the world, however Taiwan does not have a common recognition internationally.
The controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan, sometimes referred to as the Taiwan Issue or Taiwan Strait Issue or, from a Taiwanese perspective, as the Mainland Issue, is a result of the Chinese Civil War and the subsequent split of China
Taiwan has no right to join the United Nations," Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office in Beijing, told reporters. "The United Nations is an international governmental organization composed of sovereign states .
CONCLUSUION - Non-Recogonition Of Taiwan By International Community
Taiwan's situation is extremely problematic in terms of international law. It raises concerns about whether Taiwan is a part of China, whose China it is a part of, and whether two Chinas is the same as one China.
Both the United States and Japan are unlikely to deny that Taiwan should be "returned" to China, but they have remained silent on the question of "whether Taiwan has already been returned" following the war. Taiwan might be interpreted as an unreturned island, a promise that was never kept. "Whether the people of the land have the right to self-determination" is more essential than the legislation.
The People's Republic of China's territory includes Taiwan. All Chinese people, including our compatriots in Taiwan, have an unbreakable obligation to complete the monumental job of reunifying the homeland.
This Article Explains:-
- Political status of Taiwan
- Why The Taiwan Issue Is So Dangerous
- Why China-Taiwan Relations Are So Tense
- Taiwan: Political and Security Issues
- What's behind the China-Taiwan divide?
- China-Taiwan Issue
- Taiwan's democracy and the China challenge
- The Taiwan Issue: Problems and Prospects
- The Taiwan Straits Crises