High Tech-Enabled Education is a Supplement to Conventional Class Learning

By Admin. Last updated 2/25/2022 2:18:44 AM. Previous || Next0 comments
High Tech-Enabled Education

High Tech-Enabled Education

 Conventional Class Learning v/s High Tech-Enabled Education

High Tech-Enabled Education has become popular in recent years to discuss the difference between High Tech-Enabled Education and Conventional Class Learning here.

High Tech-Enabled Education is mainly based on the Internet, changing Conventional Class Learning teacher's situation and making students the main body of learning.

Currently, mainstream education still uses traditional large-scale classroom lectures, manual correction of homework and statistical scores. In sharp contrast to this, all capital sources have entered the field of High Tech-Enabled Education, and continue to penetrate all aspects of online teaching.

Although High Tech-Enabled Education is developing rapidly, its teaching and business models are still being explored. Modern technologies such as the Internet, big data, and intelligence are still lagging and limited in transforming teaching methods. To promote school education development, we must first conduct a comprehensive and in-depth comparison and analysis of the differences between High Tech-Enabled Education and Conventional Class Learning.

Q. Is classroom teaching is better than online education?

1. Educational Object

The differences between Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education in terms of educational objects are as follows: 

Conventional Class Learning:

The education objects have roughly the same age and knowledge level and are mainly young people full of vigour, the whole is relatively single, and the existing problems are also scoped. 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

High Tech-Enabled Education learners' age and level of knowledge will be very different, with the characteristics of popularization, rich and flexible teaching methods, and a completely open teaching model to provide equal learning opportunities and conditions for people of different identities. This learning method allows them to overcome obstacles such as time, space and geography, and obtain personal learning resources.

It can be said that the diversity and extensiveness of educational objects is an essential difference between High Tech-Enabled Education and Conventional Class Learning.

2. Educational purpose

The differences between Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education in terms of education objects are as follows: 

Conventional Class Learning:

In the Conventional Class Learning philosophy, students complete the learning tasks specified in the teaching plan within the specified time and obtain the corresponding academic certificates after passing the exam.

The essence of Conventional Class Learning is "examination-oriented education". To a certain extent, it aims at pursuing examinations and high scores and takes students' examination results as the standard for evaluating the quality of education.

Conventional Class Learning is based on academic qualifications and cultivates talents through the selection and elimination mechanism. This model cannot be regarded as entirely fair to the overall students because most students are excluded because of examinations. 

High Tech-Enabled Education: In addition to the academic education model, High Tech-Enabled Education is more about continuing education, vocational training and lifelong learning. Students' primary purpose of receiving High Tech-Enabled Education is to acquire new knowledge through this convenient and fast learning method.

Compared with the previous study, students are more concerned about the learning effect and whether the learning content can be used in practice.

Relying on the Internet integrates academic education, continuing education, vocational education, adult education and higher education to provide students with multiple education opportunities and provide diversified educational services for various social users.

3. Educational Method

The differences between Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education in terms of educational methods are as follows: 

Conventional Class Learning:

The method is relatively simple and straightforward. Typically, the teacher evaluates the student's learning situation, and the teacher is in an unshakable leading position in the entire learning process. So tradition is teacher-centred. 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

High Tech-Enabled Education's most critical impact is the "flipped classroom" education model, which readjusts the time inside and outside the classroom and transfers the decision-making power of learning from teachers to students.

In this mode, teachers have more time to communicate with students. Students independently plan to learn content, learning rhythm, style, and presentation methods after class. Teachers' role is to solve the problems encountered by students in independent learning to meet and promote their personalized learning needs.

4. Educational Innovation

The difference between Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education in educational innovation is as follows: 

Conventional Class Learning:

In traditional education, the obsolescence of knowledge is recognized as a drawback of education. As soon as a college student leaves school, 60% to 70% of the knowledge is not suitable for social development.

These trained "professional counterpart" are forced to switch careers after entering society. The main reason is that the professional setting is narrow, the curriculum structure is fixed and rigid, and the teaching content cannot be updated in time. Although the trained students' theoretical knowledge is reliable, the practical application ability is insufficient.

The innovation of Conventional Class Learning is mainly based on the industry. The information or method innovation in the industry is not the individual learning or scale innovation of a single student, so the influence of this kind of innovation is limited, and it is still aimed at training professional counterparts. 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

Compared with Conventional Class Learning, High Tech-Enabled Education does not cultivate purely professional counterparts, but a kind of information talents who adapt to the Internet age.

High Tech-Enabled Education has set out to cultivate new types of talents with highly innovative and robust information capabilities, breaking through the various limitations and constraints of traditional education, expanding the timeliness of the information and the area of knowledge dissemination, and increasing the types and methods of information and knowledge presentation for students The development of creative thinking and the nurturing of creative ability provide a guarantee.

5. Educational Resources

The educational resources of Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education are different. The specific content is as follows:\

Conventional Class Learning:

The Conventional Class Learning industry has a big problem; that is, teachers' distribution is uneven and restricted by various regional economy aspects. Simultaneously, operating costs such as teacher salary and venue rent in Conventional Class Learning often account for half of traditional education, aggravating teachers' dispersion. 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

Compared with Conventional Class Learning and training institutions, High Tech-Enabled Education can easily transcend geographical restrictions to expand the high-quality resources of first-tier cities to the whole country. At the same time, High Tech-Enabled Education can even fully integrate foreign educational resources into the country, allowing the fastest speed. Learners understand the dynamics of learning abroad.

Conventional Class Learning's curriculum resources mainly come from relevant aspects inside and outside the school, while High Tech-Enabled Education's curriculum resources are not an exaggeration to say that the whole world.

6. Educational Environment

The educational environment of Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education is different. The specific content is as follows: 

Conventional Class Learning:

In traditional education, students are always studying with teachers. In the whole learning process, teachers require students to go to school on time, and they are not allowed to arrive late or leave early and are not allowed to go to school.

In a class, there is a significant difference between the good and the bad grades of the students, and the teachers are more focused on the learning level of most people, and the effect of learning with particularly good or poor grades is not high. Therefore, in traditional education, a student who wants to make progress in grades mainly relies on personal efforts, and the help that teachers can provide is limited. 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

With the rapid development of mobile Internet, students can start classes at any time and place, and they want to learn anytime and anywhere, even while waiting for the bus, they can complete a knowledge point learning, this fragmented learning mode is self-explanatory.

High Tech-Enabled education uses data analysis for personalized guidance, and targeted push courses and exercises allow students to improve their grades effectively. It is one aspect that Conventional Class Learning cannot do.

7. Teacher-student experience

The teacher-student experience of Conventional Class Learning and High Tech-Enabled Education is different, as follows:

Conventional Class Learning:

Conventional Class Learning is mainly centred on teachers, so teachers' status has always been relatively lofty. Although the teacher and the student are closely connected in the learning process, the teacher and the teacher's relationship is not too impressive from the student's point of view, mainly the relationship between "teaching" and "learning". 

High Tech-Enabled Education:

The teacher has carefully designed the learning content in the teaching process and made the learning content into teaching courseware conducive to students' independent learning. Students choose the learning content, form, time and progress according to their personal needs, and the relationship with the teacher during the whole learning process Mainly lies in the content after learning, such as homework Q&A and other forms of dialogue and interactive feedback mechanism.

In the end, High Tech-Enabled Education is a supplement to Conventional Class Learning rather than subversion, and this complementarity will inevitably lead to the integration of the two.

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