What are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Legalizing The Use Of Marijuana?

By Admin. Last updated 3/8/2022 11:17:34 PM. Previous || Next0 comments

What are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Legalizing The Use Of Marijuana? And What Is Your Stand About It?

The debate over the legalization of marijuana in the United States with both sides has been presenting with clear view on their concepts of taking into the pros and cons side of Marijuana. However, in some countries it was already legal and yet strict policies have been implemented to ensure that the use of Marijuana will not be abused and will not create harmful effects in the society especially to the youth.

They have presented some of the pros and cons on the legalization of Marijuana. Some of the advantages presented:

Marijuana has been proven and tested by medical experts that it can cure ailments such as cancer and AIDS and other medical benefits for patients.

With the legalization of Marijuana, it will end up the long-time conflict of crime and violence between the US and the US-Mexico border due to illegal selling and buying of Marijuana thus, making their transaction legal.

Marijuana is no longer harmful to the person's health compared to alcohol and tobacco which has been legal and widely used in the society.

If Marijuana will be legalized, it will be a big impact as additional income of the government thus, a reduction of budget allotment for the illegal drugs such as in the  buy-bust operations or Marijuana entrapment operations and with this effect, this budget can be re-aligned to other projects in infrastructure and educational programs.

Here are some cons of legalizing the use of Marijuana:

There will be possibility that the Marijuana legalization might be the precedent for legalizing the abortion which the pro-life advocates strongly disagree.

Abusive usage of Marijuana can harm the health of the individual and well-being.

Possibility that it will lead to more Illegal buying and selling of Marijuana and may involve in many crimes in the society.

Based on the pros and cons of legalizing the Marijuana, I think it is better to Legalize the Marijuana so that there will be a standard policies for the circulation of Marijuana in the community. This will also the best way to control and monitor the circulation of Marijuana in the society and there must be strict compliance on the laws regarding the use of Marijuana in order to attain the objectives of its legalization.

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