Here Are The List Of Best Plant-Based Protein Rich Food If You Are Vegan

By Admin. Last updated 3/9/2022 9:26:42 AM. Previous || Next0 comments
Best Plant-Based Protein Rich Food For Vegans

Best Plant-Based Protein Rich Food For Vegans

Protein is the most significant macronutrient which requires our body every day. The main function of protein in our body is to provide muscle growth and repairing of cells and tissues.

Why do we need protein?

Protein is the building block that is also recognized as amino acids and amino acids are the most significant for muscle growth. Protein plays a significant part in our system as it provides muscle strength, muscle mass, healthy skin, and healthy hair. If you consume a lesser amount of protein, you will lose your strength and muscle mass and also you will find yourself dealing with premature aging. 

How much protein do you need?

It depends on person to person if you are that person who just wanted to fulfill his protein need every day then 0.8 grams x your body weight is sufficient for you. But if you are the person who wants to look big and jacked up then 1.8 to 2.0 x your body weight is the protein you should have to consume every day.

We don't find that protein content in a vegetarian diet but also with some plant-based protein-dense you can easily cover up your daily protein needs. In the long-term well-being, the vegetarian diet is good for the health as they don't create that much pressure on the gut to digest. 

If you are a vegetarian who is looking for protein-dense foods, then this article will help you to find out which food is best for you as a vegan.

Best Protein Rich Food For Vegans


Lentils are the most popular plant-based protein food. One cup serving of lentils contains around 18 grams of protein which makes it the best source of protein. You can have lentils in any form like lentils soup or you can eat it with rice or bread.

Lentils are a good source of protein but they also contain an extreme quantity of fiber which helps in better digestion and is also good for the guts. As per studies, if you consume lentils daily can also reduce the risk of heart dieses and cancer. 

Lentils are also highly rich in antioxidants and minerals which improve the cell's functions.


Legumes are the varieties of different beans like black beans, chickpeas, and kidney beans which are highly rich in proteins. One cup serving of chickpeas contains 15 grams of proteins and many other vitamins and minerals which are good for your health.  Chickpeas and other legumes are highly protein-dense foods that you can eat to complete your daily requirement of protein.


Nuts are basically considered as the superfood, if you are a strict vegan and follow a plant-based protein diet then you should consider including nuts in the diet as well. Nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds, and pistachio are excellent sources of good protein and also, they are rich in good fats.  On average eating, 20 to 25 cashews every day can provide you with around 6-gram proteins.

Green Peas

You wouldn't think of it, that green peas are an excellent source of protein. Did you know one cup serving of green peas contains 9 grams of protein also they are rich in vitamins K, A, and C and also contain many significant minerals and good quality fibers? It is the best choice to include green peas in your daily diet.

Soybeans And Soy Products

Soybeans are a good source of protein, there are many soy products are available in the market which you can take to fulfill your daily requirement of protein like soy flour, tofu, soy milk, and soy sauce.

Soybeans are not only rich in protein but also contains antioxidants and phytonutrients which can give you numerous health benefit.

100 grams of boiled soybeans contains 173KCAL, 17 grams of proteins, 10 grams of carbohydrates, and 9 grams of fats.


There is no doubt that oats are known as a superfood as well. Oats are not only high in protein but are also rich in fibers and complex carbohydrates which are good for our system. A small cup of oats contains nearly 6 grams of protein.

Protein Dense Vegetables

Vegetables are well recognized for their good quantity of fibers, vitamins, and minerals. But what if I tell you there are some of the vegetables which contain a good amount of carbohydrates and proteins? Yes, you heard it right, such as potatoes, asparagus, spinach, sweet potatoes, and kale are highly rich in protein. One serving of cooked veggie can give you 5 grams of protein which is decent in my point of view.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are not only rich in fibers but also contain a decent amount of protein. In 100 grams of brussels sprouts, you can nearly get 5 to 6 grams of protein and also they are rich in vitamins and minerals which makes it the best plant-based protein food.

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