Mass Media & Society - How Does Mass Media Influence Society!

By Admin. Last updated 5/7/2022 1:48:06 AM. Previous || Next27 comments


The advent of technology has created a mass audience by using various types of mass mediums like newspapers, e-magazines, internet, television etc which influences the public opinion, education, cultures resulting in society transformation. The study discusses detailed analysis and influence of digital communication as well as new media on society.

Digital Dilemmas

Dialectic is a philosophical concept which attempts to understand media and communication technologies and provide theoretical outcomes about the mass media influence in creating social forces. The advance process of mass media having transformations of digital technologies deals on how people participate, intervene and react to shape the world in the coming future. The core development of the industrial modes of communication are constantly evolving having developed broadcasting mass media platforms having historical progression from hot metal to Hotmail initializing progressive society performance having creation of corporate relations and international trade (Hirst, 2014).

Concept of Living and working in a material world

The historical change of development based on materialistic transformation of digital technology based on the usages of modern social mass media tools has interchanging the human thoughts constantly. The increased usage of mass media digital tools like social media and websites promotes database exchange meeting up real time situational needs of the people in terms of new product launch and its consumption. Majority of the global population  are more in mass media platforms that influence better  material reach through changing human senses to analyes its real value resulting in developed society  (Spence, 2018).

Analysis of information revolution

The establishment of a new era of digital communication mass median the  industrial sector through the political and economical support from the government and other companies engaging in investments executing new production materials   inviting and impacting large volumes of the society. As opined by (Suleiman, 2019), this creates informative resources for society to establish connections for greater data exchange and generation in the digital industrial sectors. All the traditional mass media tools are getting transformed into efficient digital media forms influencing society efficiently.

Challenges of digital dialect

The process of converging technology of mass media creates problematic issues of adaptability and flexibility about the thinking motion change and how the society will embrace the new change. The establishment of positive social relations with the proper application of the mass media tools often becomes a more polarised pattern of mass media influence failing to reach the diversified cultural backgrounds in a global society.

A Political Economy of Communication


  • To create digital environments has increased having the extensive new age  use of the internet and websites rather than radios and televisions promoting free flow of instant information and analytical digital content to understand market fluctuations and consumer preferences.
  • To create aligned social relations through mass media communication to gain improved broadcasting services by executing research techniques to focus on individual customers of the society.

Influence of Political economy on communication

The influence of the political economy of digital communication of the mass media promotes employee and commodity transformation to have better marketing strategies establishing more social engagement through data gathering processes. As suggested by  (Staricco, 2020), this includes digital order and purchase and doorstep delivery services along with improved digital commercial monitoring systems fulfilling the aim of mass society reach. The changed digital communication of mass media organizations has implemented multiple business techniques delivering integrated social responsibilities through enhanced production performance, greater scope of consumption and fastest distribution of resources. The political economy factor of digital communication promotes efficient control and ownership of the mass media to access efficient technology and exchange smooth information system with the society to establishing equal interconnection.

Concept of Value, capital and media

The systematic linkage between value, capital and media technologies promotes building up of bonded social relations through value creation, distribution, consumption and stocking procedures. According to  (Jaques, 2019), the establishment of the proper economic exchange through mass media practices promotes better commodity identification and creating greater commercial value through profit maximization and  delivering unmatched quality products to the consumers. This will promote positive social relations and create commodity influence on the society delivering social utility by using the digital mass media platforms. The efficient labour force is the foundations of having sheer society relations which can be profoundly influenced by the mass media making the predictions go global. The Marx labour theory of value of a commodity is equal to the value of the labour remains consumed in its manufacturing process and mass media helps to make resources to have faster consumption (Hirst, 2014).

Evaluate Media as both Base and superstructure

Mass media includes business operation and establishes new values and concepts base which signifies economic stability of production. The concept of Superstructure denotes the aligned civil society based on cultures, ideology in the business world managed and controlled by the mass media influencing to render improved consumption experiences. Both the concept of Base and Superstructure are dynamic processes of "mutual constitution" having mutual effects on the society (Hirst, 2014)

Hegemony engages the active dominance of social classes which are being enhanced by the support of the subordinate classes to have uniform control as a unit through exchange of ideology on the mass media. As suggested by (Volchanska, 2019), mass media help to identify the element  structure of dominance based on political, economic or social and makes them to understand their own potentiality to mitigate the existing challenges or having adaptations to mass media digital change. This focuses on use of the mass media to gain extreme competition and individual performance of the entrepreneurs and labour forces promoting hegemonic success. Hegemony does not promote creating fixed relationships in terms of mass media utilisation, on the contrary, Hegemony works with ideologies having contradictory directions leading to consensus and dominant controversies for understanding mass media.

The communicative process through the new format of digital mass media helps the corporate managers to have smooth international operations, meeting up changing market needs and knowing the changing purchasing trends of the consumers leading better control of the value chain production, distribution, marketing and consumption. As suggested by (Vorraber, 2019), this leads to globalised development of the economic structures and to reach the world society through the desired products as well as services having competitive prices. The mass media of communicative approach will create surplus value and better resources performance for the consumers of the society having diversified cultural and ideology.

Contextualizing Technology

  • To initiate the use of flexible human actions in coping with digital technology of mass media  in terms of production, marketing, distribution and consumption shaping the business world for future.
  • To gain meaningful understanding of the complex interaction based on ideas and objects related to technology changing existing  social outlook
  • To establish bonded social relations within the business fields resulting enhance production performance through adaptation to technology.

Define technology and its influence in Society

Technology is the development of virtual realities and sensory devices that promotes the users to gain real time experiences to experience a better living and a transformed business world.  Productive processes of the technological action (Jenzen, 2020)course through advanced technical tools to yield practical solutions instantly about any complex situations. As opined by  (Lee, 2021), the technologically advanced mass media tools like the digital newspaper, internet, websites having commercial agenda including the convergence of human thought process, resources allocation, experimentation and informative knowledge exchanges. This sort of technological advance mass media tools leads to a sound social environment having better ownership and control for achieving futuristic goals. The process of having adaptations is a complex scenario to the latest mass media technology system in order to gain new ways of doing things as the society is hesitant to embrace change after successive generations having orthodox historical knowledge. The influence of technological knowledge involvement in mass media promotes sound production performance leading to creation of distinctive products whio are capable to meet the changing demands as well as the needs of the global consumers. This will promote better interactions and exchange of informative databases helping the society to gain benefits based on user friendly technological instruments like washing machines or PCs changing the social life.

Distinction between technology and convergence

The involvement of technological innovations is mostly considered as a threat for the labourers to get replaced or will reduce their efficiency. In the beginning of the 19th century, the workers of the textile industry of the UK had realised identical threats and the Luddite Movement had started to dismantle technological implications resulting in destroying latest machines and burning factories().The technological advancement in the mass media is bounded to specific production mode focuses in particular society making the technological attributes biased  creating conflicts, disruption and contradictions. As suggested by  (Jenzen, 2020), the entire social circumstances gets interchanged with technological influence of mass media which impacts society depending on its course of action plans. The technological convergences in the era of digital performance initialise varied use of digital social mass media which showcases (Nurhayati, 2019)the distinctive society people use to follow up their needs. Technological convergence and diversification of the mass media network is continual based on telecommunication usage, broadcasting and computing system based on electronic mass media. The technological aspects of each mass media tool is regulated through a systematic chip matrix executing convergence adding technical values of the object based on its transformed potential quality services.

Gutenberg to Global News: Print Media

  • To gain historical knowledge and role about the oldest form of mechanical structure involved in print media
  • To achieve informative link data about the oldest form of print media compared to other economic, social, political and technological changes 
  • To determine the role of the publishing industries having technological service dealings with the broadcasting mass media and how the latest trend of narrowcasting is channelised.

Concept of Gutenberg

Johannes Gutenberg has developed the equipment that today uses the print media tools and he has developed the most primitive printing machineries in 1452 having first printing of indulged texts and bibles in the Roman Catholic church (Hirst, 2014). The public notices of the payments and the conditions of mortal forgiveness were granted by the Church through the printed media of 200 copies termed as Gutenberg bible. The entire printing operation has imparted instant social influence in the European social and cultural background making criticising printing content as lawful penalty. The church's monopoly approach print communication and misuse of authority through the printing scribes resulted in public protest leading complete social interference. The availability of printing presses enabled the protestors to print posters, handbills and propaganda to promote their public protest cause.

Freedom of the Print media

The up gradation of the technological infrastructure of the print media promoting the creation of pamphlets for the French and American revolutions in the 18th and 19th century to execute publishing of handbills. This has allowed the distribution of printed new sheets to inform the citizens to gain tax knowledge imposed by the European governments in the printed news magazines. As per the views of  (Nurhayati, 2019), this has depicted that radical press aroused criticism and mobilised against the social relations on which the commercial aspects depend highly. The freedom of the Print media introduces dominant liberal democratic theory that makes media work a Watchdog to regulate the proper implementation of powers of the state for benefiting the society.

Development of copyright

The commercial development of the press put emphasis on the commodification of the valued printed word establishing propped distinction based on private and public ownership delivering positive social qualities of authenticity. As opined by  (Kamau, 2018), this is how the practice and importance of printing has gained popularity where copyright has shifted from printers to booksellers. The universal Copyright Convention has been established in 1952 having the inclusion of digital content blocks within the advance print media copyright has led to the re-writing of copyright provisions nationally and internationally.

The Golden age of Internet

To establish efficient development of the mass media of internet and social media with changing globalization influence leading greater user base

To determine the real emphasis of the internet in creating global social relations based on distinguished locations, lifestyle, money power and more resulting implementation of decisions for future progress.

In the late 1960, computing was initiated to create its commercial value, application and networking functions (Hirst, 2014). Most of the global technical experts became the entrepreneurs and their innovations created social upliftments. The initial geographical computing development has been initiated in the desert city of Palo Alto-Silicon Valley.

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